Dear Folks – Good Morning! Hope your day is going well. I was reading James 1 today in the New Living Translation and ran across these encouraging words…
“Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.”
We are definitely living in uncertain times - just listen to the news! This Scripture was encouraging to read because of the reminder that as believers, we can have a different perspective on life than those who don’t know God. The rest of the world has to depend on their own resources to find peace, joy and security. But we have a different Source. Our faith in God allows us to wait on Him to provide for ourselves and our family. And even if He doesn’t provide the way we would prefer, we know that we will develop character. Either way, we win!
Church News.
This Sunday, we will be having our Annual Business meeting and potluck. We will be electing officers and committee members and adopting a budget for 2009. This is an important meeting and one that you are expected to attend (if you are a member J). We will be gathering after the morning service for lunch (bring a main dish and a side dish or dessert), then we’ll have our meeting (starting around 1:30pm). We should be done by 3:00pm. There will be no evening service.
We’ve regretfully had to revise our church budget down from last year and are praying that God will provide what we need to meet the expenses we have. Thankfully, our church is in pretty good financial shape right now (unlike many businesses and churches), and we have a positive balance in the checkbook and NO DEBT. But we do have a very stringent budget and are looking for more ways to save money without severely affecting the ministry here.
On a personal note, Debbie and I have recently been able to add some much needed extra income by taking part-time jobs at a Counseling center in Adrian, which has been very helpful. Because of our church’s financial situation, I have not taken a salary raise here in three years. This year, our health insurance premium is going up by $2,000, so I will need to find a way to pay for that. We appreciate the way that you have taken care of us over the years and the many extra things that you do to help support us. It is a blessing to be your Pastor!
In taking this part-time position, I think some of you will have to take on more responsibility to make the church function properly. I pray that we will be able to work this out. I know God will help us.
Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday for church, the annual meeting and lunch!
Pastor Bob
P.S. The Haiti Team (Jake & Stephanie) would like to invite you and your family to come and eat dinner at Big Boy next week (Feb 1st) after church to help support the Haiti book project. 10% of your bill will be given to them to use to purchase books. Also, we are working with Applebee’s to set up a similar dinner benefit on Wed, Feb 18th. More details on that later.